| 1. | What is left after an explosion is a dwarf star of extraordinary density . 爆炸后所留下的是一个密度巨大的矮星。
| 2. | Very small stars are called dwarf stars 非常小的恒星叫做矮星。
| 3. | Caption : : astronomers were surprised to discover a 25 - million - year - old protoplanetary disk around a pair of red dwarf stars 350 light - years away 天文学家一直认为恒星形成的同时一定会形成行星,但最近一项发现推翻了这定律。
| 4. | Data from the chandra observation show that the central ten - million - degree celsius cloud is the remains of a supernova explosion that destroyed a white dwarf star 来自钱德拉的观测数据表明,中心温度达上千万摄氏度的云湍团是超新星爆发的残余,爆发摧毁了一颗白矮星。
| 5. | Measuring 2 , 500 miles across and weighing five million trillion trillion pounds , the rock was found on valentine ' s day buried in the core of a white dwarf star in the constellation centaurus 这块石头直径达2500英里,重5 10的42次方磅,藏在人马座中一颗白矮星的中心,是在情人节那天被发现的。
| 6. | Measuring 2 , 500 miles across and weighing five million trillion trillion pounds , the rock was found on valentine ' s day buried in the core of a white dwarf star in the constellation centaurus 这块石头直径达2500英里,重5 10的42次方磅,藏在人马座中一颗白矮星的中心,是在情人节那天被发现的。
| 7. | This and the x - ray spectrum , which exhibits a high concentration of iron atoms relative to oxygen and silicon , convincingly show that the ejecta are the remains of an exploded white dwarf star 这幅图连带x射线光谱(显示出了铁相对氧与硅的高度集中)令人信服地说明,抛出的物质是爆发白矮星的残余。